Manicure tips for your evening dress

Do you have a party soon? Did you choose the dress? Heels too? And even the accessories? Do you think the preparation is over? Well no! You forgot one of the most important factors for the success of your look: a manicure that matches your evening dress. Your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you ideas!
1. For a ball or dinner
For a classic and elegant look, opt for sober varnish colors.
- With a clear dress:
If your dress is light: pink, salmon, apricot or ocher, use a varnish of the same color, but with a darker shade to create contrast. Colors such as taupe, aubergine or bronze will suit you perfectly!
- With a dark dress:
If your dress is rather dark: black, gray, brown, red or blue, opt for a nude varnish. Whether beige, beige-pink or beige-apricot, these colors match all your dresses.
2. For a cocktail party
This kind of evening is usually informal and among friends. And that’s where you can afford to take out of your wardrobe, all the beautiful dresses you’ve fallen for.
- With a sequin dress:
If it’s a beautiful sequined dress, I recommend a rather discreet nail polish: a nude or a French manicure.
- With a flashy dress:
If the dress has a rather flashy color, opt for a pastel but sober varnish. For example, if the dress is yellow, soothe the color with water green.
- With a sober dress:
If you finally opted for a sober dress: black, blue… Then, I advise you to add a little pep to your outfit with a varnish in gold or silver.
We hope you enjoy this article! To get all the necessary equipment, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure set! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.
Read also: The choice of varnish for the end of the year celebrations