The Nail Art Trends You Can’t Miss

On the Nails Art side, how to apply the trendy inspirations of Fashion Week on our nails? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will give you answers in this article.
Let’s start with the color gradient or even the Bayboomer which go perfectly with the “Tie & Dye” style that we will be wearing. Followers of the Babyboomer effect will be reassured, your nails will go perfectly with your look for this season!
Tuxedos or other well-tailored outfits for work are indeed the big trends of this season and your nails could well be an additional accessory. So do not hesitate any longer, favor a “V” shape combined with the great return of the French to be in vogue at the beginning of the year.
Finally, the season will be strong in Leopard and Foliage. Leopard spots will not come in all colors, you will have to respect “natural” colors to avoid making a fashion faux pas.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in a complete professional manicure kit to care for your nails!
Read also: What styles, colors or prints to choose?